Basic Usage#

Backend Agnostic#

NeuralProcesses is designed to work with both PyTorch and TensorFlow. For use with PyTorch, import as

import neuralprocesses.torch as nps

For use with TensorFlow, import as

import neuralprocesses.tensorflow as nps

We plan to also support JAX.

Shape of Tensors#

Inputs and outputs are always tensors of shape (b, c, n) where b is the batch size, c is the dimensionality of the inputs/outputs or the number of channels, and n is the number of data points. This convention is extended in two ways.

First, the batch size b can have multiple dimensions. For example, a single sample from a model will have shape (b, c, n), but s > 1 samples will have shape (s, b, c, n). Here we interpret the extra dimension s as an extra batch dimension and write the shape as (*b, c, n) where b = (b1, b2).

Second, the number of data points n can have multiple dimensions. For example, if we are dealing with images, which have two dimensions, tensors will have shape (b, c, n1, n2) where the shape of the images is (n1, n2). Here we intepret the shape of the image as two n dimensions and write the shape as (b, c, *n) where n = (n1, n2).

In conclusion, tensors are always of shape (*b, c, *n) where b are one or multiple batch dimensions, c is the dimensionality of the inputs/output or the number of channels, and n are one or multiple data dimensions.

Examples for PyTorch#


import lab as B
import torch

import neuralprocesses.torch as nps

cnp = nps.construct_gnp(dim_x=2, dim_y=3, likelihood="lowrank")
dist = cnp(
    B.randn(torch.float32, 16, 2, 10),  # Context inputs
    B.randn(torch.float32, 16, 3, 10),  # Context outputs
    B.randn(torch.float32, 16, 2, 15),  # Target inputs
mean, var = dist.mean, dist.var  # Prediction for target outputs

print(dist.logpdf(B.randn(torch.float32, 16, 3, 15)))


import lab as B
import torch

import neuralprocesses.torch as nps

cnp = nps.construct_convgnp(dim_x=2, dim_y=3, likelihood="lowrank")
dist = cnp(
    B.randn(torch.float32, 16, 2, 10),  # Context inputs
    B.randn(torch.float32, 16, 3, 10),  # Context outputs
    B.randn(torch.float32, 16, 2, 15),  # Target inputs
mean, var = dist.mean, dist.var  # Prediction for target outputs

print(dist.logpdf(B.randn(torch.float32, 16, 3, 15)))

Examples for TensorFlow#


import lab as B
import tensorflow as tf

import neuralprocesses.tensorflow as nps

cnp = nps.construct_gnp(dim_x=2, dim_y=3, likelihood="lowrank")
dist = cnp(
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 2, 10),  # Context inputs
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 3, 10),  # Context outputs
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 2, 15),  # Target inputs
mean, var = dist.mean, dist.var  # Prediction for target outputs

print(dist.logpdf(B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 3, 15)))


import lab as B
import tensorflow as tf

import neuralprocesses.tensorflow as nps

cnp = nps.construct_convgnp(dim_x=2, dim_y=3, likelihood="lowrank")
dist = cnp(
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 2, 10),  # Context inputs
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 3, 10),  # Context outputs
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 2, 15),  # Target inputs
mean, var = dist.mean, dist.var  # Prediction for target outputs

print(dist.logpdf(B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 3, 15)))

ConvGNP with Auxiliary Variables#

import lab as B
import tensorflow as tf

import neuralprocesses.tensorflow as nps

cnp = nps.construct_convgnp(
        3,  # Observed data has three dimensions.
        1,  # First auxiliary variable has one dimension.
        2,  # Second auxiliary variable has two dimensions.
    # Third auxiliary variable has four dimensions and is auxiliary information specific
    # to the target inputs.
    dim_yt=3,  # Predictions have three dimensions.

observed_data = (
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 2, 10),
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 3, 10),

# Define three auxiliary variables. The first one is specified like the observed data
# at arbitrary inputs.
aux_var1 = (
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 2, 12),
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 1, 12),  # Has one dimension.
# The second one is specified on a grid.
aux_var2 = (
    (B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 1, 25), B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 1, 35)),
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 2, 25, 35),  # Has two dimensions.
# The third one is specific to the target inputs. We could encode it like the first
# auxiliary variable `aux_var1`, but we illustrate how an MLP-style encoding can
# also be used. The number must match the number of target inputs!
aux_var_t = B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 4, 15)  # Has four dimensions.

dist = cnp(
    [observed_data, aux_var1, aux_var2],
    B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 2, 15),
    aux_t=aux_var_t,  # This must be given as a keyword argument.
mean, var = dist.mean, dist.var

print(dist.logpdf(B.randn(tf.float32, 16, 3, 15)))