Advanced Usage#


In this section, we’ll take the following ConvGNP as a running example:

import lab as B
import torch

import neuralprocesses.torch as nps

cnp = nps.construct_convgnp(
    dim_yc=(1, 1),  # Two context sets, both with one channel

# Construct two sample context sets with one on a grid.
xc = B.randn(torch.float32, 1, 2, 20)
yc = B.randn(torch.float32, 1, 1, 20)
xc_grid = (B.randn(torch.float32, 1, 1, 10), B.randn(torch.float32, 1, 1, 15))
yc_grid = B.randn(torch.float32, 1, 1, 10, 15)

# Contruct sample target inputs
xt = B.randn(torch.float32, 1, 2, 50)

For example, then predictions can be made via

>>> pred = cnp([(xc, yc), (xc_grid, yc_grid)], xt)

Masking Particular Inputs#

Suppose that due to a particular reason you didn’t observe yc_grid[5, 5]. In the specification above, it is not possible to just omit that one element. The proposed solution is to use a mask. A mask mask is a tensor of the same size as the context outputs (yc_grid in this case) but with only one channel consisting of ones and zeros. If mask[i, 0, j, k] = 1, then that means that yc_grid[i, :, j, k] is observed. On the other hand, if mask[i, 0, j, k] = 0, then that means that yc_grid[i, :, j, k] is not observed. yc_grid[i, :, j, k] will still have values, which must be not NaNs, but those values will be ignored. To mask context outputs, use nps.Masked(yc_grid, mask).


masked_yc = Masked(yc, mask)


>>> mask = B.ones(torch.float32, 1, 1, *B.shape(yc_grid, 2, 3))

>>> mask[:, :, 5, 5] = 0

>>> pred = cnp([(xc, yc), (xc_grid, nps.Masked(yc_grid, mask))], xt)

Masking is also possible for non-gridded contexts.


>>> mask = B.ones(torch.float32, 1, 1, B.shape(yc, 2))

>>> mask[:, :, 2:7] = 0   # Elements 3 to 7 are missing.

>>> pred = cnp([(xc, nps.Masked(yc, mask)), (xc_grid, yc_grid)], xt)

Using Masks to Batch Context Sets of Different Sizes#

Suppose that we also had another context set, of a different size:

# Construct another two sample context sets with one on a grid.
xc2 = B.randn(torch.float32, 1, 2, 30)
yc2 = B.randn(torch.float32, 1, 1, 30)
xc2_grid = (B.randn(torch.float32, 1, 1, 5), B.randn(torch.float32, 1, 1, 20))
yc2_grid = B.randn(torch.float32, 1, 1, 5, 20)

Rather than running the model once for [(xc, yc), (xc_grid, yc_grid)] and once for [(xc2, yc2), (xc2_grid, yc2_grid)], we would like to concatenate the two context sets along the batch dimension and run the model only once. This, however, doesn’t work, because the twe context sets have different sizes.

The proposed solution is to pad the context sets with zeros to align them, concatenate the padded contexts, and use a mask to reject the padded zeros. The function nps.merge_contexts can be used to do this automatically.


xc_merged, yc_merged = nps.merge_contexts((xc1, yc1), (xc2, yc2), ...)


xc_merged, yc_merged = nps.merge_contexts((xc, yc), (xc2, yc2))
xc_grid_merged, yc_grid_merged = nps.merge_contexts(
    (xc_grid, yc_grid), (xc2_grid, yc2_grid)
>>> pred = cnp(
    [(xc_merged, yc_merged), (xc_grid_merged, yc_grid_merged)],
    B.concat(xt, xt, axis=0)

Equivalence of PyTorch and TensorFlow Architectures#

Jonny Taylor has a created a very helpful Gist which can be used to verify the equivalence of PyTorch and TensorFlow versions of architectures.